Monthly Archives: December 2001

Countdown to the End

[ mood | numb ]
[ music | Crackerbash – “Bandage” ]

Okay so it’s almost 10:30 on New Year’s Eve night… and I’m alone in my apartment. No big suprise there. There was a chance a couple of friends were gonna come over, but that seems less and less likely now. I balanced my checkbook… I’m such a partier! But it’s nice to know that there are other losers out there like my lil Bitchygurl & Jetset who are sitting home as well. Countdown to the end!

I did fix myself a drink. I’d like to play some kind of drinking game, but that seems kinda pointless by yourself…

Got hooked on MSNBC earlier this evening. Their wrap-up of the 9/11 events. Ugh. I got sucked in. Felt like that week all over again. Sitting in my chair staring at the TV all blank. Blah.

Red Planet

[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | Roxy Music – “Mother of pearl” ]

So I finally finished up my freelance project… or at least the first part of it. Still a couple of things missing. But now there is something for the client to look at. Finished it up while watching a movie on HBO… “Red Planet” with Val Kilmer. Not so horrible. Wouldn’t have wanted to pay for an actual ticket, but not bad as background to finishing a website.

So that’s one project down. Just a couple of more to go… but pretty decent for a day’s work. Now if I can just get a job.

Oh… and survive whatever New Year’s Eve has in store for us.

Lazy Day

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Requiem for a Dream Soundtrack – “Lux Aeterna” ]

So I slept till about 1pm this afternoon… although I actually didn’t do much sleepin’ – not sure why, just could never fall into a deep sleep. Although I did have a dream or two. The one I remember involved a baby – I was taking care of it or something. Weird dream. Been having a lot of weird dreams lately.

Finally got out of the house… decided to go to Hoboken, grab some lunch, then sit at a coffee shop and work on that freelance project. Got food… it was fair. Stopped by shitty Sam Goody’s record store to see if by some miracle they had the “Requiem for a Dream” soundtrack… and they did! Vey excited. Been watching that movie a lot lately. Watched it before I went back home for Xmas, and then the other day while I was waiting in the airport for my flight. Anyway, very stoked I have the soundtrack now. Great pieces composed by Clint Mansell (PWEI) with the Kronos quartet.

Plan to work at the coffee shop backfires when there is no place to sit… so grabbed a hot chocolate to go, and headed home. Even better though, because now I can listen to the new CD and watch the funky clouds over the Empire State Building out my window.

Watching The World Crumble

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Soundgarden – “Limo Wreck” ]

Ugh… so I’m finally back home in the NYC metro area… wheeee! Good to be back home. Had a good visit in KY. Didn’t do much of anything… just relaxed and bummed a bit. Who knows why. Did hang out with a friend from HS/College. He just got divorced… there’s an upper for ya. Turns out the girl he married was a little on the unstable side and ended up shitting all over him, so he’s better off… although it’s still sad to see someone hurting. Saw “Lord of the Rings” while I was home. I enjoyed the movie. I had never read the books so I have nothing to base it against, but it made an enjoyable movie.

Had intended on being productive while I was home. Planned on either reading the entire Premiere 6.0 manual, finishing up a freelance project, or learning how to work the Hyperseek portal/database thing for my lil business project, but didn’t do any of it. Just sat, ate and watched TV. Woo hoo.

Wonder if something fucked up is gonna happen on 12/31? No plans yet. Was invited to a shindig… but thinking I’m gonna just chill out at the apartment and watch the world crumble.


So I’m at my parents visiting for the holidays… and I start reading a paper down here… and the thing about the guy on the flight from Paris trying to blow up the airline is on PAGE 5!! What the hell is that? Page 5? On the front page they had some story about “what we’ve learned from the guy with the fake heart…” Ugh. Can’t wait to fly back home…

Feeling melancholy… doesn’t really feel like Christmas. Blah.


[ mood | sick ]
[ music | the sound of a fan spinning… ]

Ugh… So I’m sitting/laying in my bed @ 3:15, sucking down Theraflu… yummy cherry flavor. Very annoyed with livejournal right now. Keeps crapping out as I’m trying to enter my interests, so alas, I gave up on them. So I have no interests. And this journal is butt ugly. Guess I’ll have to read that developer thingee so I can customize it…

I dedicate this first post to Jetset… who kept bugging me to do it. He’s a loser like me… wheeee… I think the theraflu is starting to kick in. Feeling drowsy… More later. And hopefully interests too…. wheeeeeee