Watching The World Crumble

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Soundgarden – “Limo Wreck” ]

Ugh… so I’m finally back home in the NYC metro area… wheeee! Good to be back home. Had a good visit in KY. Didn’t do much of anything… just relaxed and bummed a bit. Who knows why. Did hang out with a friend from HS/College. He just got divorced… there’s an upper for ya. Turns out the girl he married was a little on the unstable side and ended up shitting all over him, so he’s better off… although it’s still sad to see someone hurting. Saw “Lord of the Rings” while I was home. I enjoyed the movie. I had never read the books so I have nothing to base it against, but it made an enjoyable movie.

Had intended on being productive while I was home. Planned on either reading the entire Premiere 6.0 manual, finishing up a freelance project, or learning how to work the Hyperseek portal/database thing for my lil business project, but didn’t do any of it. Just sat, ate and watched TV. Woo hoo.

Wonder if something fucked up is gonna happen on 12/31? No plans yet. Was invited to a shindig… but thinking I’m gonna just chill out at the apartment and watch the world crumble.

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