Daily Archives: Monday, December 31st, 2001

Countdown to the End

[ mood | numb ]
[ music | Crackerbash – “Bandage” ]

Okay so it’s almost 10:30 on New Year’s Eve night… and I’m alone in my apartment. No big suprise there. There was a chance a couple of friends were gonna come over, but that seems less and less likely now. I balanced my checkbook… I’m such a partier! But it’s nice to know that there are other losers out there like my lil Bitchygurl & Jetset who are sitting home as well. Countdown to the end!

I did fix myself a drink. I’d like to play some kind of drinking game, but that seems kinda pointless by yourself…

Got hooked on MSNBC earlier this evening. Their wrap-up of the 9/11 events. Ugh. I got sucked in. Felt like that week all over again. Sitting in my chair staring at the TV all blank. Blah.

Red Planet

[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | Roxy Music – “Mother of pearl” ]

So I finally finished up my freelance project… or at least the first part of it. Still a couple of things missing. But now there is something for the client to look at. Finished it up while watching a movie on HBO… “Red Planet” with Val Kilmer. Not so horrible. Wouldn’t have wanted to pay for an actual ticket, but not bad as background to finishing a website.

So that’s one project down. Just a couple of more to go… but pretty decent for a day’s work. Now if I can just get a job.

Oh… and survive whatever New Year’s Eve has in store for us.