Daily Archives: Sunday, January 6th, 2002

MP3 suckage

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Salaryman – “I Need A Monkey” ]

Hmmmm… so I had a melancholy kinda day. Slept late. Started to play with my MP3 player… uploading files and such, and the damn thing is broken again. Ugh. Guess I’ll be calling the tech support guys again. Just wish the damn thing would work.

Fell victim to the gadget bug again… I ordered that camera I’ve been jonzing for… but I know I’ll really use it, so I don’t feel too guilty. As soon as it comes in, I’m gonna send in the old camera to get it repaired. Hopefully it won’t take too long.

I got a call back from the job I interviewed for on Thursday on Friday. Now the VP wants me to come in to interview. I guess that’s a good sign. I also got a call late that afternoon from the director I the first interview with. She called me from her home to say they were very interested and that she’d see me on Monday… again that sounds good. Guess I’ll find out more Monday.

Now that I’ve got XP on my laptop, Win98 on my desktop/editing suite is kinda bugging me. Been having some minor issues with it. I think I’ll probably go pick up a copy of XP for the desktop tomorrow from J&R. It’s gonna be a pain to backup all my data to CDR to dump back on the machine after I format it… but probably be worth it. I figure I’ve got about 40 discs worth of data I need to back up (last major back up was 5 months ago). Only done about 6 so far… blah.