[ mood | full ]
[ music | Tool – “Triad’ ]
I got nagged at today for not writing in my journal enough… She who shall remain nameless is attempting to maintain a journal of her own… and apparently I’m a role model… wheeeee. So here I go…
I’m about to pop. I’m attempting to drink more water daily. I read a bunch of articles talking about how important it is to drink enough water. I think the reason I’ve been sick as of late has a lot to do with not keep hydrated… well that and stress. Nothing you can do about stress, but I’m trying to drink more water and starting to eat better. I’ve also cut out caffiene. I usually do that once a year for a few months and then give in… but I’m thinking it is gonna stick this time. a) I’m not going thru withdrawl like I normally do & b) I’ve replaced coffee & cokes with this insane amount of water… Back to the water. Most people need 64 ozs a day. I’m gonna up them and try to do 100 oz. a day. That’s about 3 liters… so 2 of those big Poland spring bottles. Normally it’s not bad, and I’m actually liking water now… but I got a late start today. Got busy with stuff and forgot to drink the water… so I ended drinking the bulk of it between like 8pm and now. I envision several trips to the bathroom tonight.
Work has been pretty decent so far. Of course I’ve been sick all week, so my experience hasn’t been great… but hopefully it’ll get better this week. I have an office which is pretty cool… first private office for me! And yes I am still waiting for a damn computer… that part is very frustrating. I went out today to get a desk lamp so I wouldn’t have to use those horrible fluorescent overheads, so it’s starting to be a little more personalized. The people still seem pretty cool. No hint of politics yet. Everyone has been really friendly and helpful… still feeling a little bit over my head, but as I catch on, I expect that to go away somewhat.
My first roommate in NYC who left for the greener pastures of Silicon Valley a few years back got laid off last week from Yahoo. He had been there a long time. His attitude was a lot like mine at the last job I had… he was ready to get laid off. The job had gotten shittier progressively as Yahoo had acquired new companies in his area. He seems okay with the whole thing… hope it works out. The tally of unemployed friends keeps going up. Wonder what this year is gonna be like?
I was a total vegatable this weekend… I didn’t do crap till today. I’m telling myself I was sick so it was okay… and indeed I was on medication, but still feel like I wasted the weekend. Still not used to the idea of the work week. I gotta make a better effort to take advantage of the weekends.
(yes i realize this is a long ass rant… on well)
When I was dropping off my lamp at the office today (we were closed), I ran into a guy who works there, who was sneaking in some extra work. We talked for a while.. he’s a really great guy At some point he mentioned that it must have been a pain for me to come in from Jersey just to drop off the lamp… It still makes me laugh when people think Jersey is soooo far away. When I told him how long my commute took he looked shocked and then revealed that his Brooklyn commute took twice as long. I’m still digging where I live… cheap, quick commute, and quiet at night. Now while it’s easy to get from Jersey to Manhattan, it can be a pain in the ass to get to the other boroughs… but only losers live there anyway 😉
Still kinda in a melancholy funk… probably just the sickness and the newness of the job. “The Girl” did call me today. We only got to chat for a second, but it still made me smile. Wish we had more time to chat… but it’s tough. I’ll take what I can get though.
I’m still listening to the “new” Tool album. I probably listen to it all the way thru once or twice per week since it came out last year. Amazing musically. I’m still not into their other albums as much, but this one is so amazying. So much ear candy… sounds great on headphones as well as rumbling out speakers. If anyone reading this hasn’t really been into Tool (like me previously)… pick up Lateralus used… and then start by listening to Parabol & Parabola – unbelievable.
This post feels shitty to me… but I’m hitting submit anyway. Gotta pee.