[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Shawshank Redemption Soundtrack – “Shawshank Redemption” ]
So that pimple on my eyelid wasn’t there when I woke up… so either it corrected itself, or I was having some fucked-up hallucination last night… either way, glad it’s gone.
In the saga of “when will Lance get a computer at work” — supposedly this coming Friday… that’s the word from the tech support people. Not sure if I believe them, but it would be nice. In other office news… word is that I might be getting a cell mate in my office… which would suck, but not be the end of the world. I wouldn’t mind so much if it was another creative person, or someone online, etc., but sounds like I’m getting an accountant. Blah.
I’m still having this feeling of unease the night before work, and during the commute as well, but once I get there I’m pretty happy – I think this just might work out.
Times Square isn’t as bugging as I thought it was gonna be, probably because I’m not in TRL central, so the crowds aren’t as annoying. It is kinda nice because I have many commute options from there.
Had lunch with The Vin today. It was great seeing her again. She’s still kicking it at her job. We chatted about career stuff, and funny marriage stories and split some apple pie ala mode… yum!
Got my hair cut today, but now I have itchy-head. Ack. I’ll be finding lil hairs for days.
I haven’t had the urge to stab anyone lately. That’s a bonus. I did read an article about a guy who got stabbed in the head with a screwdriver outside a cybercafe in Cali. A screwdriver. Most screwdrivers cost more than knives. A screwdriver… ouch.
Sleep now.