My Political Platform

[ mood | tired ]
[ music | nine inch nails – “The Only Time” ]

So I had a pretty productive day today, even though I slept really late. Got up & paid bills – woo hoo, and then I went into the city to see some movies. Deposited my paycheck, and ate some good, cheap, Mexican food… yum.

The first flick I went to see was “The Mothman Prophecies.” I really liked it. Kinda slow paced, but it worked for this flick. I knew where it was going, but that might just be because I read some Mothman lore when I was younger. Overall: good flick. But why the fuck would people bring their baby to see it? People like this should really be prevented from having children in the first place. “Hey, let’s go see a Rated-R movie in Manhattan… that features scary stuff, and loud noises… and let’s bring our baby!” Spring for a babysitter you pieces of shit. Ugh. As the movie started, I thought things were gonna be okay, but then about an hour in, she started balling. At least they had the decency to leave the theatre with her.

But then they came back. And she started screaming again. This time people in the audience let them know about it by shouting… “Shut up” and “Fucking shut-up that goddamned baby” — which is what I kinda felt like yelling, but didn’t. Eventually they left and never came back.

Part of me thinks that all people should be sterilized (reversalble) at birth… and when they reach a certain age, they can “apply” to be parents. They have to meet some qualifications… level of income high enough to care for baby… mental stability… no drug use, and a certain level of intelligence… at least common sense. If they qualify, *bam* you get your tubes/nuts untied & you can start fucking to make babies. It’s my hope that after a couple of generations of that, we’ll have gotten rid of most of the stupid people in the world. Of course I know this would never happen… but I’d like to see someone run for office on this platform sometime, just to see what happens…

The next flick I saw was “Birthday Girl.” Nicole Kidman was cute, but don’t believe the hype… this movie wasn’t very good. Not so awful that I got up and left… but just not good. Stay away. There was a guy snoring really loud a couple seats behind me for most of the movie, but it didn’t really bother me… that’s how little I was into this film.

Then I took the bus home. I hate the bus. It really irks me that’s it’s more convenient for me to take the bus home from work/play than the PATH now. The bus is so crowded and full of lame people. It only takes me about 10 minutes to get home via the bus, and 30 minutes via the PATH, but I find myself taking the PATH so I don’t have to take the bus. Ugh.

I was going to do some work when I got home… I brought it home on Friday from the office, but I just couldn’t make myself do it. I don’t even remember what it is. I suppose I’ll get up on Monday early and look at it… maybe. I’m having a hard time getting anything done at work. I can’t concentrate… or I don’t want to. I think a lot of it has to do with the meetings. I have a lot of meetings now. Some days it’s only one, but most days I have at least 3 or 4 and their back to back. It’s so tiring. By the time I get back to my desk, my brain is fried. I feel like I contribute pretty well in the meetings, but I haven’t done a lot outside of them. I hope the fog lifts soon. I’m really dreading going in tomorrow. I’m stoked I have a job. I’m stoked the pay me well to do it. I like the people. What’s wrong? Is it the content. Sometimes I think it’s the content. I have a hard time relating to it. I shouldn’t bitch, I just wish I could concentrate.

I’m bitching a lot in this post. I sound like such an asshole. A lot of my friends don’t have jobs, or are stuck in bad ones, and I’m bitching because I can’t concentrate. I think what worries me, is that it’s exhausting me. I come home and sit in front of the TV after work, then go to sleep, then get up and do it all over again. When I was laid off I was socializing, but since I’ve started working, the only time I’ve seen my friends is for lunch. I gotta figure a way to keep from reverting to my hermit status.

I did play around with my camera last night, and got some pretty nice nightime shots. I was pleased with how they came out.

I have a headache.

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