Daily Archives: Tuesday, February 5th, 2002

Merit Badge

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Pearl Jam – “Crown of Thorns (Live)” ]

So there’s hope out there… talked to another friend who found a job today. So that’s 5 formerly laid off dotcom workers (including me) that have gotten picked up by other companies. That’s a good sign… right?

I felt useful at work – in meetings & discussions. But again I didn’t get anything really done. Still just info dump & discussion. Pretty soon their gonna want results… To many freaking meetings.

Picked up another gay-friend merit badge today. Was talking to a girl I know… not too well, but well enough to be chatting casually on IM. We’ve never really talked personal stuff before while hanging out… just gotten drunk & bitched about music. All of sudden in the middle of some other IM conversation, she asks me for advice on some guy she likes. Ugh.

Did have a nice phoner with “The Girl” today. Wasn’t quite long enough, but they never are. “The Girl” rocks. Too bad she moved so far away, would be nice to hang ‘n’ chat in person.

Soooo sleepy.