Wait, what?

[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Sea Ray – “Arrow Boy” ]

I had one of those weird days, where you forgot what you were going to do with the day… I went out Friday, and then Sunday I slept late. After that I did a bunch of oddjob types things… laundry, paying bills, etc. The thought in my head was that – “gee, I’ll get all this stuff done today, so Sunday will be wide open.”

Then Sunday came.

I totally forgot what I was going to do, if I even had a plan. Ending up kind of just not doing anything, but enjoying myself. It was kinda rainy/chilly out, so I didn’t feel like commuting anywhere… I’m totally spacey today. I’ve had like this weird fog lately. Dunno what it is.

Making a mix playlist… really mellow music. A lot of Salaryman, Air, Pell Mell, etc. Totally what my head feels like.

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