Monthly Archives: March 2002


[ mood | content ]
[ music | Fugazi – “Cashout” ]

Yay! I’m sooooo happy! I finally found found some PUR water filters today!!! I’ve been looking for this lil fuckers for a while now. Every place I used to get them didn’t have them anymore… but tonight I found a pharmacy near work that still carries them. No more funky water for me!

And I’m finally listening to the semi-new Fugazi album and it’s really growing on me. Yay.

God I’m boring.



[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | Led Zeppelin – “Misty Mounatin Hop” ]

DSL problems… it’ll probably conk out soon again… blah ugh…. must have broadband! On the plus side, Verizon tech support is hell of a lot better than it was 2 years ago. They’re there 24/7… I’d recommend calling late if you have too, I got right through. They’re gonna “run tests” and see what they can find out. We’ll see.

Another ugh.. DART & doubleclick… that’s all I’m gonna say. Payback is a bitch. I’ve always hated internet ads and the whole trafficking thing… and now it’s one of my new responsibilities. Blah.


[ mood | melancholy ]
[ music | The Afghan Whigs – “When We Two Parted” ]

I had thought about it… but not really I guess. Not since I was a kid and we were in the middle of the cold war, and when “The Day After” seemed like a likely event. It’s kinda weird when you hear about the possibility of being vaporized. I don’t know… I just feel weird having heard it today. In case you missed it – Time released an article detailing a threat that was considered very credible at the time, that terrorists were planning on detonating a 10 kiloton nuclear device in Manhattan this past October. The big controversy was that no one in the local, or state government was told about the threat. Now I totally agree that the public shouldn’t have been informed… I’m all about reducing mass panic… but it does seem weird that if the threat was that credible, that no one in the local administration was informed of the fed’s concerns. I dunno.

You can get the full article here.