Staffing Up

[ mood | bored ]
[ music | The Cars – “It’s All I Can Do” ]

The powers that be finally decided to hire me on staff from the permalance position I was in. I think I’ve finally stopped missing being laid off, and have accepted that working for money is the grown-up thing to do. So now I’m back to my old pre-laid-off workaholic self. The only new downside to all of this is that I have to go to orientation… again. This is like the 3rd or 4th company orientation I’ve been to with this same company in the last five years. They take all damn today, and haven’t changed during the 5 years I’ve been here. So tomorrow I get to play “get to know ya” with the other dorks that are getting hired, and fill out paperwork I’ve filled out a thousand other times, and eat stale bagels. The only joy I usually get out of these things are when I ask confusing questions of the HR peeps there… like when I ask,

“So, I have a 401k that started at x company, and then we broke off and started a new company so they rolled into the x plan, then I quit. Then I came back, and I started contributing to it again, then we changed companies again, then we changed providers, then we changed back. Then I got laid off. Then I got hired back. Then I got laid off again. Now I’m back – can I still contribute to the same account?”

I think tomorrow my goal will either be to make one of the HR peeps cry, or find someone gullible there and try to convince them that I had accidentally killed someone a few months back, and ask them if I should tell the HR peeps, because the form says to say if we were convicted of any felonies, but nothing about if we actually committed a felony that just hasn’t been discovered yet.

I wish they would just give me the freakin’ forms to fill out and turn back in. I really couldn’t care less about getting another corporate messenger bag & a free bagel breakfast.

But that’s just me.

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