Daily Archives: Thursday, April 11th, 2002


[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Fishbone – “A Selection” ]

I always pick the wrong time to write these things. By the time I think about my day, it’s at the end of the damn day when I’m all tired and not in the mood to write. Blergh.

I haven’t really connected with that many people at the new gig. I guess it takes time. Plus I’m in my cave of an office most days, so I guess I’m not interacting that much. There is one girlie that I feel pretty open with. Of course she’s a lesbian, so in some weird way I’m playing the gay friend again… except that I’m straight and she’s gay… whatever. I can’t keep track of this analogy anymore. She’s been in a crabby mood all week, so I haven’t really had anyone to pal around with. Blah.

Got an e-mail from one of my friends this week with the news that he’s going to Israel for a visit. He’s building a webpage that basically has his status on it. So that if anything happens, he doesn’t have to send out a thousand e-mails saying he’s okay or not… he just updates one page. Kinda weird that he has to do that.

I’m so damn sore today. I ordered a new, fancy desk for my apartment – the old one was falling apart – screws laying around all over the floor – the monitor shelf sagging in the middle, etc. So they delivered the boxes containing the desk yesterday, but there was only one delivery man, so I had to help carry everything in. 250lbs worth of crap. Up four stories/eight flights of stairs. Ugh. I look like I’ve been in a fight with a bear. I’m all bruised & scratched from the boxes. But the desk is together, and looking fancy so yay me.