Monthly Archives: May 2002

What’s wrong with Episode 1

[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | “Empire Strikes Back” ]

You know… I just realized what’s wrong with the new Star Wars movies (episode 1)… it has no ships as characters. I’m sitting here watching ESB… and when the Falcon escaped from Hoth, I still get tingles seeing it blast away… and in the asteroid field…

None of the new ships have character. they’re just art deco.

…Plus there’s no Han character. He, Chewie and the Falcon fucking ruled.

Exploding head

[ mood | sick ]
[ music | U2 – Running To Stand Still ]

My head feels like it is about to explode. I was finally able to talk to a living person at my doctor’s office…. where I love the doctor, but hate the office staff. Once I finally had one of them on the phone, they told me he was no longer with that practice. Ugh. But they did give me his new number. He’s now in a practice all by himself. Only problem is, he only has office hours 3 days a week (I think he works in the hospital the rest of the time). So I call the number and leave a message requesting an appointment. I’m all in “ugh” mode expecting to not get a call back. But then the next day he, himself, the doctor, calls me back and schedules an appointment for Monday morning. Right before I hang up he apologizes for not being there when I called the first time. I think I’m gonna dig him as a solo artist.

God I hope he can give me something for this headache. I hope I don’t end up being one of those people who have headaches all the time. I’ve been pretty much headache free for most of my life. Maybe 4-5 headaches a year… but this one has lasted 2 weeks. Ugh again. And now I have some funky rash just on the tops of my forearms…


weird dream

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Deftones – “Passenger” ]

I had this really weird dream last night. I was at an awards show with a bunch of people from high school. Angelina Jolie was onstage presenting a piece on someone that looked like Ray Walston, but in the dream I knew he was dead, so I was confused because he was in the audience. Anyway, she gets done and goes back to her seat. All of a sudden on the big monitors we see a close up of her back at her seat, and she’s lifting up her dress and the woman next to her is playing with her cootchie. Everyone in the audience is like.. .”waaaaaaaaa?!” Me and my friends are just cracking up. There are kids in the audience crying. They go to commercial, and people in the audience start leaving in droves. Then my friends and I get up and get better seats since everyone is leaving.

End of dream.

What the fuck was that about? I’ve never dreamed of Angelina Jolie before. I mean she’s pretty, but she doesn’t do much for me. And Ray Walston? And the kids crying, and the PDA and groping? At any rate I’m running late for work now.

wheeee or weeeee

[ mood | sore ]
[ music | The Hives – “Hate to Say I Told You So” ]

Okay, Swedish music rules… It’s the only thing that can get me off lately. And The Hives are my new favoritist band ever. Much props to this_years_girl for scoring me the CD — it is good to have friends in the music biz still… wheeeeee.

My friend Udi is back safe from Israel… wheeeeee.

Haven’t seen Spiderman yet, but I’m gonna…. wheeeee.

The squirrel thing still makes me laugh… wheeeee.

I’ve had a fucking headache for a week, and it’s driving me nuts, so that sucks.

But my insurance should be kicking in pretty soon, so I can go to the doc and get it checked out… wheeeeee.

I think the thing I like most about The Hives, besides the really good, short songs, is that “Creepy Mustache Dood Bass Player” guy…

I just realized I don’t spell wheeee the same way Threebrain spells weeeeee….

Okay. Headache. Pain. Eyes hurt. Strain. Bed now.

Music video

[ mood | amused ]

The weirdest thing happened earlier – it seemed like a dream, or an Aerosmith video. I was waiting for the bus… and it was foggy, very dreamlike. When it finally came, I hopped inside, and it was full of Catholic school girls, all laughing and doing each other’s hair.

Oh man.

It was pretty funny watching all the guys on the bus trying not to stare at the little vixens…