Daily Archives: Friday, May 10th, 2002

Exploding head

[ mood | sick ]
[ music | U2 – Running To Stand Still ]

My head feels like it is about to explode. I was finally able to talk to a living person at my doctor’s office…. where I love the doctor, but hate the office staff. Once I finally had one of them on the phone, they told me he was no longer with that practice. Ugh. But they did give me his new number. He’s now in a practice all by himself. Only problem is, he only has office hours 3 days a week (I think he works in the hospital the rest of the time). So I call the number and leave a message requesting an appointment. I’m all in “ugh” mode expecting to not get a call back. But then the next day he, himself, the doctor, calls me back and schedules an appointment for Monday morning. Right before I hang up he apologizes for not being there when I called the first time. I think I’m gonna dig him as a solo artist.

God I hope he can give me something for this headache. I hope I don’t end up being one of those people who have headaches all the time. I’ve been pretty much headache free for most of my life. Maybe 4-5 headaches a year… but this one has lasted 2 weeks. Ugh again. And now I have some funky rash just on the tops of my forearms…
