[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Fugazi – “Styrofoam” ]
So I’m walking down Avenue of the Americas Monday around 7pm. I get to some intersection, and the the *don’t walk* light is on, and cars are starting to cross. The pedestrians stop walking, as we’re supposed to… I mean sheesh cars are coming… except for this family who continues talking to each other, and walks into traffic without looking. Now if it’s just a man and his wife, I chalk them up to being momentarily lost in each other’s eyes or some other bullshit, but this family is made up of a pregnant mother, a father, and 3 other kids. Nice lesson for the kids, walk blindly into traffic. People who walk around with their kids and don’t do the whole, “stop and look before you cross” lesson are jackasses, and are precisely the people that shouldn’t be having kids in the first place. That’s why I’m going to run for president some day on the sterlization platform. If you don’t pass a certain base-level IQ/competency test, you’re immediately sterlized before you hit puberty. What do you think? Too harsh? But I’m gonna have cool t-shirts — on the front a tied fallopian tube, and on the back a snipped testicle, with the message “vote bippy – keep the dumbasses from reproducing.”
Just a thought.
The family survived. And when an old guy behind them was saying “what the hell were you thinking” they were just laughing. Meanwhile this intersection is super close to that same intersection were all those people were wiped out a few months back.