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[ music | Vince Guaraldi Trio – Linus and Lucy” ]
So one of my New Year’s resolutions is holding… being more social & going to shows… so that’s decent. I handed over some money to both Ticketweb & Ticketmaster today… of course Ticketweb is the lesser evil of the two, but they both suck.
I finally finished revamping [REDACTED]. Not much has changed, just interface & layout. Still have a shitload of pictures to shove up there.
It’s kind of funky-looking outside right now. It’s like my apartment building has been enveloped by a marshmallow.
I got sick of my mail disappearing so I finally got a PO Box.. now I can start being anonymous and having naughty thinkg sent to me in the mail. Woo hoo! Of course now I’m knee-deep in updating my addresses with all my bills and such… I’m gonna do one of those formal address changes, but I want to notify all the major places before I do it. Already got one weird response from my bank… I have to fill out a big ass form to have my statement address changed… sup with that?
Little tip… call your local phone company and have them institute a 3rd party call block on your line. Got burned by some phone h4x0rs. Basically they call some place from someplace else and bill it to your home phone. The operator is suppose to get verbal permission before she does the call, but sometimes they don’t. The first AT&T customer service rep I talked to was an ass… but the second one was cool, and the Verizon lady had a pretty hot voice, and she wanted to woo me into switching to their long distance… and I agreed… too bad for Sprint… suckers.
I grouted my shower this weekend. That’s right. I’m a fucking loser. But soon I’ll be a loser losing my hearing and suffering from lack of sleep.