[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Interpol – “Stella was a diver and she was always down” ]
So I had this really surreal experience tonight. My friend was kind enough to get me on the guestlist for Interpol at Maxwell’s in Hoboken. Great show, save for some morons shouting out dumb lines you know they’ve been practicing for weeks, but the lads were in fine form… very tight. Much more enjoyable than the last time I saw them. Anyway, afterwards everyone split for a nearby hotel to watch their performance on Letterman recorded that afternoon. So there I am in a crowed hotel room in Weehawken, staring at a shitty TV watching a band I’d just seen live, performing on Letterman, and clapping at the TV, while the lead singer was hiding out in the bathroom. I would’ve been hiding out in the bathroom too… I’d hate to see myself on TV.
Anyway, great live show. Fine appearance on Letterman. Very odd evening.