Young, dumb punks

[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Camper Van Beethoven – “Pictures Of Matchstick Men” ]

Saw Camper Van Beethoven tonight with the chainsaw. Excellent show. I wasn’t a huge CVB band – liked ’em, but didn’t own anything, but I thorougly enjoyed myself there. There were a couple of idiots there moshing to slow songs… you think you’d get the point when you and your friend are the only ones acting like jackasses, that maybe you should shut the fuck up and sit down… but alas. Later we saw them standing in line at coat check. I didn’t think punks would take the time or pay the money for coat check. It was very confusing.

Other than the young, dumb punks, Chainsaw and I were the youngest ones there… and oddly enough the shortest. I’m 6’0″ and I still couldn’t see the stage… we were in the land of giants. We moved for the second set, and were upfront which was very enjoyable.

Next week I’m gonna check out Bona Roba with Courtney, and then Soundtrack of Our Lives & Division of Laura Lee by my lonesome.

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