Daily Archives: Tuesday, January 14th, 2003

The Soundtrack of Our Lives @ Mercury Lounge

[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | The Soundtrack of Our Lives – “Sister Surround” ]

Not a bad show. My feet were sore, I was hungry, I was hot, and my shoulder starting bugging out, but I really enjoyed them. NYC sucks though. It’s fucking embarrassing, no one makes any noise during concerts till like 3 or 4 songs in. It’s like we’re all asleep and can’t be bothered. I guess it’s all the Kool Kids too busy posturing, or the pseudo-lesbians pretending to be dreaming of damp beaver. I yelped and hollered and clapped when I wasn’t in pain. Any other fucking town goes nuts 10 minutes before a band hits the stage, and by the first note whether it’s off-key or not, goes apeshit till the third encore. NYC just politely claps till we get good and ready to enjoy ourselves. Eh. Fuckers. The lads from Sweden put on a nice poppy show, with some juicy little rock elements. At one point, the lead singer dood said “man, it’s quiet. well, we like it quiet, you can hear the music.” Hope he meant it Anyway, towards the end most of the people in the front were bouncing so that’s good. And now I’m recalling a conversation I heard while getting in the door, something along the lines of, “yeah, only 90 tickets were let out to the public” which if true, might explain the quietness. The place was probably packed with Kool Kid Industry Folx on plus-ones. Eh. Fuckers.

You know the one thing worse than B. O.? A shit load of flowery perfume on a girl that’s standing between you and the vent in a club. It could’ve been Shower to Shower or some similar shit. It smelled powdery whatever it was. Maybe she was having a not-so-fresh kind of day. I should probably lay off.

Fucking one of my discount CDs from Virgin last night was trashed… big ass split in the CD… had to exchange it today, but they were super cool about it. Laid receipt down on the counter with the broken CD and a replacement and the guy was like “Cool. Thanks. Here ya go.” A helpful customer service dood… who woulda thunk it.

Personal day tomorrow to receive some “freight” at the old homestead. I told one previous boss at the channel that, “oh yeah, not in tomorrow” and she’s like “why didn’t you tell me sooner” and I just pointed down the hall to the VP, my new boss and said “I told her a while back.” I wonder if my old boss knows she’s my old boss yet? Our company is whacked.

Today was a good day

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Johnston, Freedy – “The Lucky One” ]

So I went to my lonely little PO Box this morning to see if there was any mail. There hasn’t been since I “purchased” it… basically because nothing has had time to be rerouted to it… but what awaited me this morning? What was the first thing to grace the insides of my first PO Box ever? TICKETS!!! Tickets to my favoritist band ever… it’s the little things…

Went out after work today with my friend Starky. We had some food, and then went over to a variety show at Surf Reality. One of my buds from the office was performing a a solo sketch. It was fucking hilarious. Many of the other acts were good too… and weird… very weird. Starky and I decided to use our inner weirdness for evil now, and produce more VIDEOS and evil things.

I also picked up some CDs and DVDs at Virgin with my fat-ass coupon book (10 bucks off 50 buck purchase, among others!). Now I’m going to eat crackers and watch the Oz I Tivoed last night.