[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | Fun Lovin’ Criminals – “View Belongs to Everyone” ]
why the fuck do we have to relaunch the site big every year. blah. it’s 9:30pm – i’m still at work. and they decide to hand me an assignment yesterday, due today, to write up all our web entries for an award show conference that everyone in the group is going to, except me because i wasn’t budgeted. fuckwads. and like these awards are annual, so why the hell did they wait till yesterday to hand me this shit to write… not like they didn’t know it was coming. so did it get done? fuck no. on the plus side, the band i was doing a fan site for is dumping their old site, and making mine the official one… no money, but it’s not much work, and maybe i’ll get swag – it’s actually kind of fun. for now. and now i’ve got some wack-ass freelance gig this weekend that, if i actually get paid, will be almost three’s weeks salary for two days worth of work. but i’m soooo fucking tired.