Daily Archives: Monday, March 15th, 2004


My newest pet peeve. People who type the body of e-mails in the subject line of e-mails. For example:

to: lance
from: cynthia
subject: that project that you’re working on needs to be done by thursday if at all possible. thanks. cynthia.

What the hell is that? I don’t know about the e-mail client you’re using, but in Outlook, it’s really difficult to read a long subject line. How about this instead.

to: lance
from: cynthia
subject: that project…
body: can you finish that new project by thursday? that would be great.

Ah. Much better.

I thought about sending a company-wide e-mail with the subject line: hey can we please not put the entire message you’re attempting to send in the subject line because it’s really difficult to read and, hey it’s just wrong, or i can just take my pitchfork and hurl it towards your head. what do you think? thanks. lance.

on the bus

This morning on my ride in, I noticed the guy sitting next to me was intently reading this thick, stapled deck of paper. He was wearing a business suit, so I assumed it was some important document he had to review prior to “the big meeting.”

It was a rule-book for a fantasy baseball league.

I don’t get the fascination with baseball at all, so the concept of fantasy baseball leagues I find completely odd.

But don’t get me wrong. I love America, apple pie & mom. And if anyone is brave enough to strap on body armor and a kevlar helmet and sit on deck waiting for a moronic president and an impotent congress to send them someplace I don’t wanna go… well, I got your back.

But baseball. Eh.