So… two weeks ago I had no pets. Today I have 12. Oh my. The first new roommates were a group of fish I adopted from a friend who was moving. They’re freshwater tropical, ten of them. Other than that I have I no idea what kind they are. Well, I know one of them is a catfish of some kind. They seem to be adjusting well. They must be hearty fish – as I have really no idea what I’m doing. I did test the pH which came out fine. I need to test the other things – ammonia, nitrates, etc.
I’ve slowly adjusted to life with the fish. They swim around, and eat. I watch them. I’ll have to change some of the water soon, which should be interesting considering I can’t get the siphon to work.
So, ten fish. And as of today, two cats. My friend took me out to the North Shore Animal League to look at kittens. I had been going back and forth on whether to get a kitty or not. Was I ready for the commitment? Am I too selfish to take care of another living being (fish don’t count really… they pretty much chill out all day). But with my mind somewhat made up, that yes, I can handle a cat – I went to Long Island.
The first kitty I really looked at, seemed very into me, licking, biting, and clawing. I totally fell for him. It was a male, short-haired black cat – pretty much exactly what I was looking for. He started getting a little too frisky towards the end of our time together, but I figured that just meant he loved me… so I started the paperwork.
Then a lady came up and said, “Sir, I’m sorry, but that cat is already going through the adoption process, his reservation fell off the cage, I’m sorry. Would you like to look at more cats?”
I was heartbroken. Did I really want to look at more cats? No! Damnit. But I said yes, and went back in to look at kitties. The first cat she brought me… there was just no chemistry there. The next cat, kind of the same thing. He was cute, but nothing was really tugging at my heart strings. I was pissed and hurt, and feeling like the situation was hopeless. I just wanted to go home at that point. My friend who had been to the shelter the previous day had spied a couple of girl kittens she loved, but when we looked, they were gone. Turns out they had colds, so they wanted to keep them away from the other kittens. But, I was curious, so they brought them out. It was love at pretty much first purr. They were a double adoption… So, the previous day I was debating on whether to get a cat, and now I was filling out paperwork for two. Oh my again.
The references took a long time to come back in, but a couple of hours later, we were driving from Long Island back to Jersey. With two kittens. In a box.
I just gave them their first round of medicine. There was some blood loss – all mine. They were a little perturbed at first, but they seem to be okay about it now.
I haven’t named them yet (or the fish for that matter). I had boy names picked out, but no girls. This might take some time. I am getting to know their personality a bit. The lighter one is more friendly and vocal – maybe even a bit needy. The darker one is the explorer… always running off somewhere. She’s a little less snuggly. This should be interesting.
They’ve already taken over the bed… not sure where I’ll be sleeping tonight.