Man, I really wish I had written these road trip entries closer to the time it had happened, because I’m scratching my head when it comes to remembering Boston details – which maybe isn’t a bad thing. Perhaps I’ll be brief.
Day 4 – Boston
So, Killington (Vermont, New Hampshire – take your pick) to Boston – there were some roads involved as I remember. Actually the trip out of Killington was beautiful – mountains in the rearview, icy stream to the right. Hmmmm… that’s all I’ve got on the road part of this trip.
Boston was fairly easy to navigate. I scoped out the venue first, and then motored over to the hotel. It wasn’t nearly as nice as the Inn at Six Mountains, but it was still a step up from the ass hotel in Buffalo. I settled into my room, and unpacked a bit. There might have been a nap in there somewhere. At some point, I decided to dial-up and check some e-mail. First I spun thru the day-job mails… nothing significant. Then it was time for personal correspondence – about as expected. Then off to check the band related e-mail.
“Hey Lance, looks like the site was hacked. If you need any help, lemme know.” — a fanboy
Well fuck. Turns out some bored German kids decided to take down my message board. Blech. I tried taking a peek through the database to see if I could fix the problem, but I’m no DBA, so no luck. Next I called my friend who is a bit more MySQL-versed than myself, plus he has the same message board software. He logged in and found the problem, but the fix would be manual, and take me a while… plus I’m on a dial-up. I had to get it fixed, we’re in the middle of tour, and traffic has been heavy lately… so I called my hosting company and had the run an old back-up tape, which they did in less time than it took me to send the e-mail over the god awful 22kbps connection. Only problem was, that the backup was about 2 weeks old. We lost a few hundred messages, but better than nothing. In the long-run I ended up moving over to a different piece of software and have great support with it now.
At the show, I ended up running into a lot of people I knew – good crowd, but I was so fried, from the drive, from the hack, ugh. So for a lot of the set, I sat in the back by the merch counter, just hanging out and chatting with people who stopped by to say hi. I did end up finally meeting the managers and label people, they were cool. The band did mention the hack from the stage, which was funny. Everyone seemed to take pride in the fact we were hacked. I didn’t have the heart to tell them that it was a random attack, that angry Germans were taking down every message board they could find that used this type of software – yeah I kept that to myself.
Next – Philly.