on the road again – part 2

The guys had the next day off, which was probably a good thing, as they were about embark on an odd little journey… on a boat.

Day 2 – NYC

Yep, they’re playing a boat – a little cruise around Manhattan. It’s a first for me, and I’d be willing to guess for them too.

I hopped on one of those free NY Waterway busses that run from various places in the city to their pier on the west side. In theory you’re expected to get on one of their boats after the shuttle ride, but I planned to hop off at 38th and walk back up to 41st to catch my boat. Well, as soon as I hop off I start feeling a little guilty – I know, I’m a pushover – so I went ahead and bought a ticket for the ferry. I ended up using it the next day to get home after work.

After my guilt purchase I headed up to my boat. Inside I ran into several people I had meet on previous outings – it was fun, a family reunion of sorts. The boat was rocking pretty hard and we hadn’t even left port yet – so I availed myself of some motion-sickness medicine a friend’s friend was offering. At some point the guys came on and started rocking out for everyone… but it was an odd setup, they were playing in an alcove kind of stage, very minimal headroom. So, unless you were right up front, you couldn’t see them. I floated away from the stage to get a drink and never really went back. After getting a few more whiskeys in me, I became Mr. Social Butterfly and made my rounds, talking to people. I actually had a really good time, talking to the fans, the friends, etc. I sat with the tour manager/board operator for part of the night, he’s a great guy – very friendly. I also talked to the drummer’s girlfriend again – she’s a sweetheart. It was fun to be a little drunk at the show (usually I drive, so drinks are a no-no).

Afterwards the bassist motioned to myself and another fan/friend Kari. “Bus? Beer?” Why yes, yes I think we will. Out on the bus we indulged in beer (not a big beer fan, but somehow it tastes pretty good sitting on a tour bus), and chatted. I met the bus driver – neat guy, a lot younger than others they’ve had. At some point we drove over towards the hotel. On the way the bassist gave me a lesson on the Tour de France – he’s a big fan. It was interesting. Once we parked the bus the three of us headed over to a deli for food. Everyone was starved. The grill at the deli was off, so the choices for food were a little slimmer than usual. I ended up with the best grilled chicken sandwich I’d ever had – marinated chicken, roast red peppers, lettuce, tomato and Italian dressing on a hero – better known as the #28! We sat and talked like three old friends and ate our sandwiches. We got back to the bus and the two of them headed off souvenir shopping. I hung out with the drummer and the girlfriend and waited for the rain to stop. It finally let up, and I headed back home in a cab. Another great night.

Next up, Delaware…

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