88Kbps today. That’s like a biscuit more than dial-up. This is the second time in two weeks, and the umpteenth time in four years that my connection has gone to crap. I just ordered cable modem service to try out. Free shipping, $24 bucks a month, if I like it, I’m canceling my DSL.
Verizon sucks. Although the tech support guy I talked to tonight was cool. If you speak to “Brandon” tell him I said “he rocks.”
SONG OF THE MOMENT: My Bloody Valentine – “I Only Said”
Cable modems rock! Screw DSL! Screw Verizon! (*They’re* really the source of all those phone problems at the parentals casa.)
A friend of mine has had trouble with Verizon for months. It’s a problem with the lines in her neighborhood, which they won’t fix. The last time she complained, the customer service guy gave her the number of the FCC’s complaint department. That says something, eh?