
I’m at home and should be finishing up some work I brought with me, but I can’t really seem to get into it. I’m having one of those days that’s just – ugh. I’m feeling lost lately – mostly in relation to my job, but my whole life is kind of in question right now. I often have the feeling that I’m not particularly good at my job, and today I kind of realized why – well, I’ve probably known all along, maybe the rain brought it out though – I just don’t care about it. Web promotions and marketing just isn’t floating my boat. I could totally rock my job, but it’s kind of hard to when you’re not really turned on. I’m not sure if I’m burnt out on the web altogether, or just this specific job. I’ve never known what I what I wanted to be when I grew up – so I don’t have a specific career goal. That makes it hard to know what do to next. If knew for example that I wanted to be a VP, then I could work my way through the current position, and angle for a promotion – but I don’t know that. I’m also at the point where I depend on the money I make, so I can’t just quit, and dick around trying to “find myself.” I’ll need to slide into another job or career at approximately my same pay grade. I wish I had that voice inside saying “You were destined to be a _______.”

SONG OF THE MOMENT: Tangerine Dream – “Love On A Real Train”

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