Monthly Archives: December 2004

blown away

I wasn’t planning on going to the last show. This entire week has been overload – a lot of shows. A party. My year-end project and final. You get the drift. Well, around 9pm I started thinking, “I wonder if they’ll ever tour again. I wonder if the last show this tour is the last show ever. I wonder if they’ll play ‘River Euphrates’?” So I decided that I would answer one Craig’s List ticket posting – and if the seller called me back, then cool – fate is telling me to go to the show…

Piixies Tix 4

I’m so glad I went – fucking phenomenal show – and yes they did play “River Euphrates” — holy shit. I really wanted to hear the opening band – Fifty Foot Wave – but I ended up at some meet and greet somewhere in the bowels of the Manhattan Center where I got to shake Frank Black’s hand. Pretty neat way to end the week.

SONG OF THE MOMENT: Pixies – “River Euphrates”

oh my golly!

For someone who didn’t think they would ever get to see the Pixies live… I don’t know how to finish this sentence other than BAM:

Piixies Tix 3

Damn these have been fun shows – I’m not even sure what to say about them, you kinda had to be there to get it. I just want to make sure I remember this feeling – hence the ticket stubs in this here blog.

On the flipside, I saw the single worst set of my life tonight – Le Tigre. Good lord. I like the idea of Le Tigre, and even the singles I’ve heard have been enjoyable, but their performance as opener – ugh. It was like a middle school talent show. They didn’t really play instruments. They couldn’t dance. And the singing was more like bad shout-rapping. A little part of my soul died last night – thanks girls.

Of coure the Pixies came and grew it back for me.

SONG OF THE MOMENT: Pixies – “I Bleed”


Okay, so my Monday was probably better than yours too…

Pixies Tix 2

‘Cept this time you probably wouldn’t have seen me since I had fab box seats! Suck it!

J/K. I actually liked the Saturday show better – more energy down on the floor, better sound – but damn it was nice to sit and listen to the Pixies after a sucky day at work. I could get used to this feeling…

SONG OF THE MOMENT: Pixies – “Wave Of Mutilation (UK Surf)”

weird couple of weeks

The past couple of weeks have been odd. I had a good trip back home for Thanksgiving. I found a bunch of old tapes I made when I was a kid. The tapes are falling apart so I’m going to try to convert them to CD over the next few weeks – it’s time consuming. The drive down was fine, but on the way back up I hit a fallen rock and made the car jump in the air about 3 feet. Didn’t seem to do any damage so I kept going. The following day I had a flat tire – but there was a tow truck right there that changed the tire for me cheap – good people in Jersey.

The next night I hung out with my friend L and had a really excellent time.

Monday my computer died at work. It took them three days, but they were able to recover all my data. The problem is they had to re-image my machine, so I need all new software installs – there is no ETA. It’s so frustrating not to be able to do the work I need to do. I can’t even view the websites I’m supposed to be looking at because I don’t have flash installed, and the new company rule is, no one can install any software other than IT personnel – so I’m locked out of my former admin account. Fuckers.

Thursday my friend S had her birthday party and of course the work crew was there and I got tore up. I’m sure I said things I shouldn’t have said – but no one seems the worse for wear.

Friday my friend K called from out of no where to see about getting drinks. I got torn up again. Class the next day was horrible. Learning about database installation is boring enough, but try doing it on no sleep and hungover – blech.

This week there are two, possibly three parties. Computer software is still MIA, so tonight I’m doing it from home, but I can’t charge them my freelance rate or overtime, because I’m staff. I’ll say it again – fuckers.

But adding to the plus column, I picked up a great James Brown boxed-set and the new Nirvana set – both on sale.

SONG OF THE MOMENT: James Brown – “There Was a Time”