Daily Archives: Tuesday, February 8th, 2005

far from home

So I spotted this two blocks from my apartment on the way home tonight.

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Which is weird for two reasons: a) I’ve been craving Krystals for the past week. And b) the closest Krystal is in Kentucky – about 800 miles away.

For those unfamiliar, a Krystal is very similar to a White Castle, in that it’s small and square, but the taste is just a little different (I’d argue better) and they have really tasty fries. Now I’m starved.

In other odd news, I’m taking a programming class this semester, but we’re having it in a regular lecture room, not a computer lab. It’s weird taking notes with pencil, with no way to evaluate code in class. Plus, the homework we have to burn to CD or floppy and hand in the next week. Weird.

My friend who’s taking the class with me, swung by work to pick me up. While we were talking one of the beautiful coworkers came up and started chatting me up. After she left my friend commented, “Man, she was really flirting with you.” I agreed but pointed out she’s married, and that a few of the married girlies there flirt with me. WTF is up with that anyway? Eh.

SONG OF THE MOMENT: Living Colour – “Nothingness”

P.S. – I’ve been getting a lot of comment spam here. If anyone reading this is a WordPress user that’s found a decent, easliy implemented solution, lemme know.