Daily Archives: Tuesday, September 6th, 2005

geeky Katrina help

So rather than post the obvious link to the Red Cross (oops!) for Katrina donations, I though I’d point over to Gizmodo were former editor Joel talks about his forthcoming trip to the Gulf Coast to establish wireless communications networks to help supplement the infrastructure that was destroyed by this royal cunt of a hurricane. It’s an interesting read, and he’s looking for help, so check it out.

Also, I got reminded on another blog to check with the company you work for before making blind donations to the Red Cross or other organizations… some companies are doing corporate matches, meaning they’ll double (or more) your personal donation as long as you report it.

Personally, I’d like to challenge all CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies to donate their entire salaries for the year (minus bonuses of course) to the cause — I’m sure it won’t make a dent in their nest egg, but it’ll sure help everyone else who got fucked.