Daily Archives: Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

Elephants to replace dolphins as our greatest adversary.

(Naoko Irie/AFP/Getty Images)

Dolphin’s might have developed opposable thumbs, but Asian elephants apparently know how to count.  I don’t know about you, but pachyderm that’s able to count seems like a major threat to me.  First it’s apples in a bucket.  Next thing you know they’re plugging missile codes into W.O.P.R. to kick off WWIII.

I say give them whatever they want right now… more peanuts, fine.  Tickets to “Rent” before it leaves Broadway – you’ve got it.  Well, probably not Mezzanine, but still.  And for God’s sake man, put away your ivory pen – we want them on our side.

Times Online:”Elephants show flair for arithmetic”