Monthly Archives: October 2008

Nuclear Family Vacation

I don’t remember where I heard about this book, but it was a good find and a great read.  To be clear, it’s less about a family vacationing at nuclear spots and more about indepth visits to nuclear weapon sites.  It doesn’t just cover silos, but the labs that created the science and the factories that helped to build them.  The couple doesn’t just stick to American sites either – they journey to the former Soviet Union as well.  In fact some of the more worrisome accounts take place in now independent republics of the Cold War juggernaut forced to deal with their role in the big WMD drama.

If you’re at all interested in the nuclear arms race, or the cold war in general, this is a good little book.  The science is explained well, and the details are thorough.

A Nuclear Family Vacation: Travels in the World of Atomic Weaponry [Amazon]

Also check out the DVD set: Atomic Bomb Collection Complete Library (including Trinity and Beyond) — amazing series of documentaries on the creation of atomic weapons at home and abroad.  Bonus: narration by William Shatner