One of the annoying things with this Hackbook was the inability to turn off Bluetooth – which can quickly run the battery down. Thanks to MyDellMini forums we have a solution. Again, pasted below for the archive.
1. First thing was the restore the bluetooth module by using the DellEFI 1.1 “Fix Bluetooth” custom option.
2. Restart and make sure the bluetooth is on and USB Legacy is off in the BIOS.
3. No boot in “Safe-Mode”. This is explained below. If you know it skip to 6.
(In DellEFI 1.2a i’ve read this is done by holding SHIFT but I haven’t tried this)
4. When you get to the darwin x86 countdown press enter to get the the boot list of available partitions (i.e. Mac HD in my case).
5. You will see a sort of command prompt that says “boot:”.
6. type “-x” after the “boot:” so you get “boot: -x” in the bootloader and press enter.
Now your system should load in Safe-Mode and we’re almost there.
7. Open Terminal and enter:
“sudo pico /System/Library/Extensions/IOBluetoothFamily.kext/Contents/PlugIns/BroadcomUSBBluetoothHCIController.kext/Contents/Info.plist”
,as mentioned in the original post. It should ask for your password so enter this.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are copy pasting, do this thru “Text Edit” so the whole string is copied as the forum seems to add “Returns” to get the formatting right so the terminal editor doesn’t load the info.plist in the end directory. I stupidly had this problem so maybe its just me. 😛
8. Now the terminal editor should load exactly like the picture shown below.
Please make sure you get this screen otherwise check that the string you used above was complete with no spaces so as to actually load the existing info.plist
9. Press “Control+W” (This is the where is or find function) and search for 33301.
(From what I have seen all the original dell bluetooth modules have the same ID’s)
10. When you find 33301 simply use backspace and clear it replacing it with 688.
Also move down with the arrow keys to 1452, clear and type 16700.
Make sure not to add any extra spaces or edit anymore than just these numbers.
11. Now press “Control+O” and then enter to save. You should find it says something like “Wrote 298 lines” on the bottom. you can repeat this just to be sure.
12. Use “Control+X” to exit back to the standard terminal window. Here just type exit and close terminal.
13. Lastly go to “Mac HD>System>Library” and delete Extensions.mkext (may ask for password) and then restart immediately.
14. This worked for me so I hope it works for you but be aware if you run fix bluetooth on DellEFI 1.1 again you will have to repeat the process. I hope I didn’t miss anything. Enjoy