Monday morning

I went to bed relatively early last night, so I had assumed I’d get up early enough to run downstairs, pick up my laundry, dash back upstairs and then head off to work.

Of course I hit the snooze button. Six times.

So I rush out of the house and start trudging through the snow. Sometimes as I’m walking to the bus stop my mind is completely blank. Other times I’m thinking about what’s coming up in the day. Sometimes there are just dozens of random ideas bouncing around. But this morning, about a block from my apartment, this thought popped into my head, “my wallet is upstairs in another pair of pants.”

Back upstairs. Wallet. Lock door. Trudging through the snow. Again.

I got on the bus and totally clocked some guy in the head with either my bag or my elbow… I can’t remember now. I said “sorry, sorry” and made my way to the back of the bus trying not to crack up. Not sure why I found it funny, I think it was the look on his face after I hit him.

On the bus. Bundled up. Now it’s too hot. Sweating. Ugh.

Finally I’m in the city, and walking up 8th Ave heading to work. The Poster Children are in my headphones, and I’m feeling all bouncy and happy. The guys in the bodega are hilarious this morning. The guy behind the counter is telling the guy stocking the Pepperidge Farm cookies to quite busting his balls. And the cookie guy is giving it back to him. So things are enjoyable.

Then I come into work. Blah.

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