wheeee or weeeee

[ mood | sore ]
[ music | The Hives – “Hate to Say I Told You So” ]

Okay, Swedish music rules… It’s the only thing that can get me off lately. And The Hives are my new favoritist band ever. Much props to this_years_girl for scoring me the CD — it is good to have friends in the music biz still… wheeeeee.

My friend Udi is back safe from Israel… wheeeeee.

Haven’t seen Spiderman yet, but I’m gonna…. wheeeee.

The squirrel thing still makes me laugh… wheeeee.

I’ve had a fucking headache for a week, and it’s driving me nuts, so that sucks.

But my insurance should be kicking in pretty soon, so I can go to the doc and get it checked out… wheeeeee.

I think the thing I like most about The Hives, besides the really good, short songs, is that “Creepy Mustache Dood Bass Player” guy…

I just realized I don’t spell wheeee the same way Threebrain spells weeeeee….

Okay. Headache. Pain. Eyes hurt. Strain. Bed now.

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