Clear water

[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | King’s X – “Moanjam” ]

Woo hoo! My water appears to be normal. It lost that brown tint… then went to yellow… now appears to be clear although there is some weird black residue in the bottom of the sink… I’m guess it is probably just rust. Suppose I’ll never get any answers out of my super… especially since she can’t speak English. Oh well. Now that I’ve slacked all day, I gotta be productive this evening. Right after I get up enough courage to drink the water.

On another note… I’m kinda pissed… my digital still camera is sick. It is still under warranty but I’ll probably be without the camera for a few weeks/months. That of course will suck, and now I’m looking at other cameras… I really shouldn’t buy a new camera, but it would be nice to have a backup… but the one I want is waaaay to expensive. I hope I can talk myself out of buying it.

Damn gadget fetish.

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