[ mood | pissed off ]
[ music | Deftones – “Bored” ]
So the Times Square rage came out in me today… big shock. I knew it was coming, but wasn’t sure when it would make itself felt.
I was already pissed off this morning when I got to work, because my computer is still not set up. It’s in the office and on the desk, but not on the network. It’s actually a decent computer… 1.7 GHz, 40gb, ATI Rage Video card… the monitor is only a 17″, which isn’t really bad, but when you’ve been spoiled with 20″/21″ machines for a couple of years, it’s an adjustment. I was able to hack my way onto it, only to find out that my user name is restricted user… meaning that I can’t install any programs. I’m hoping they change that once they finish connecting me to the network. It would suck having to call tech support 5 blocks away every time I want to install AIM, ICQ or an FTP client. Finally was able to get online… my mail is fucked, but I can browse websites. I feel so fucking useless here without any access. Ugh.
And then I decided to go to the bank. That wasn’t so bad, but a long ass line. But then I started thinking about how shitty customer service is in NYC… especially midtown. Like when you’re in line at a fast food counter, and the cashier screams “NEXT!!!” Jesus. Shit like that doesn’t happen anywhere else. Most people in the American service industry are actually polite. Up here, even the managers are assholes. Anyway… customer service in Manhattan pisses me off… and then I go to the Post Office. I gave up two seconds after I walked in. I’ll just get up early Saturday and go to the nice once in Hoboken. Ugh.
Then… I went to the bathroom here at the office. Now I understand why toliets in public places, and bars are fucking nasty, but why the fuck do they get so nasty in a professional office building. Everyone here has a college degree and has some amount of common sense. Why do people piss all over the seats and refuse to flush? I’m not being really anal or something (no pun intended)… I don’t expect the place to be spotless, but it’s fucking nasty. And it does get cleaned every night, so it’s not a maintenance issue.
Anyway… all those things just made me fucking angry today… that and the tourists that keep stopping in the middle of the sidewalk… I kept wanting to push them into traffic. Ugh. I was walking back to the office after grabbing food and I was just so miserable. Ugh. Sometimes I fucking hate New York.