Category Archives: star wars

Star Wars Cross-Sections

This isn’t exactly new, but I just got around to “reading” it.  If you’re into Star Wars and have a jones for engineering or possibly a subscription to Popular Mechanics, you’ll dig this.  It’s basically a ton of beautifully painted technical schematics for some of the more interesting vehicles from the Star Wars galaxy.  It’s not entirely complete – but it’s very thorough.  It’s also kind of fun to see the continunity department hard at work (check out the entry on the Death Star to see who/what are credited as the designers).  Just seeing the Falcon dissected alone is worth the price of admission (although I still say it doesn’t have enough storage space for a cargo ship).

Star Wars Complete Cross-Sections: The Spacecraft and Vehicles of the Entire Star Wars Saga [Amazon]

I’m gonna sleep with Leia. And Luke.

And yes, that’s me.  I’m twelve.  Look how clean I keep my room.

Look how unhappy this kid is.   He’s just sitting there staring off into space.  Probably because he knows if he makes a mess his Mom will beat the crap out of him.  Or give him another bad haircut.

Anyway, Star Wars sheets are back, and although they’re being sold through Pottery Barn Kids, they actually have sizes up to Queen.  For those of you without significant others, this is a must have.  The rest of us can just store them in our bailout bags for when we run away from home.

Star Wars Bedding from Pottery Barn Kids